Inclement Weather

Weekday Masses and inclement weather.

First, if someone thinks the weather is too inclement, they should make the personal decision not to come to church for weekday Mass, so as to remain safe.

Second, if someone is thinking about coming to weekday Mass with the inclement weather, they can get a good indication that if multiple local schools are on a two-hour delay or are cancelled, it may not be a good idea to travel for morning Mass either. However, since the issue is not with me getting to the church (since I live next door!), I will usually still plan on celebrating the scheduled Mass regardless of the number of people who may be able to make it to the church.

Additionally, whenever there is a funeral Mass scheduled at the church in the morning, weekday Mass will normally be cancelled. Announcements about funerals will be made at prior weekday Masses, when possible. Obituaries in the newspaper also advise people of upcoming funeral Masses too. (Mass intentions will be re-scheduled for another Mass in this case). You can always call the parish office for more information as well.

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